Outreach actions in 2025

  • February 2025: 12 high school teachers visit the high pressure lab. The curriculum in Earth sciences in high school does speak about the internal structure of the Earth and the effect of pressure on minerals. The lab visit was an opportunity to show the group of teachers how this is studied in real life.
  • February 2025. Héléne Ginestet visits the local high school Lycée du Val de Lys in Estaires to advocate for the role of women in science and how today's women have opportunities and thrive in scientific careers.
  • February 2025:
  • February 2025. Scientific introduction to the Earth's inner core and the HotCore project to the members of the Probus Club.

Outreach actions in 2024

  • September 2024. Science for a Changing Planet is a Graduate Program at the Université de Lille, involving multiple master programs and students. H. Gineset and S. Merkel were asked to provide one of the inaugural lectures.
  • June 2024. High school students visit. First year high school students have to perform a 2 weeks long internship this year. The Physics Departement at the Université de Lille organized a 2 weeks visit of the various research fields in Lille, from Atmospheric Sciences, to Laser and Optics, and Deep Earth Materials Experiments! We gave a 1/2 day lecture on deep Earth observations, both using geophysical observations and lab experiments, followed by 2 half-days practicals in our high pressure lab.
  • April 2024: 2023-2024 is the Year of Physics for CNRS. Our hosting facility, the Chevreul Institute welcomed students from the Saint Dominique High School in Béthune on April 10th 2024. The HotCore project was part of the visit, with demonstrations in our High Pressure Laboratory and showing students how combined knowledge in Physics, Chemistry and Earth Science can be used to understand the inner workings of our planet.
  • March 2024: S. Merkel gave a presentation at the Bar de Sciences of the Science at the Université de Lille.
  • January 2024: 2023-2024 is the Year of Physics for CNRS. As part of the event, local high school teachers were visiting the lab on 24 January 2024.